scalp (tickets)

Why is the resale of tickets called scalping?

It was the practice of some Native American tribes to scalp their defeated foes (that is, to remove the skin from the tops of their heads). These scalps were originally collected as trophies and served as a formidable attestation to a combatant's prowess in battle. Eventually, scalping became financially motivated as well, with individuals receiving payment for each scalp procured.

As settlement on the American frontier continued, rail travel quickly grew in popularity. Men saw an opportunity to make quick cash by purchasing unused portions of railroad tickets to resell for profit. These traders in tickets came to be compared with collectors of scalps, and soon the term scalper was extended to include these ticket tradesmen as well.

Scalpers eventually expanded their domain of resale beyond railroad tickets. Today, we encounter offers to buy scalped tickets for just about every event imaginable.

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